BC's Central Coast
Hugh Sound to Finlayson Channel:
Cape Calvert on Calvert Island is the start of Fitz
Hugh Sound, but Safely Cove and Fifer Bay, found
farther north offer anchorage. Joe's Bay and Elizabeth
Lagoon, off the beaten track, are both worth a stop.
Small crafts can find anchorage at Green Island
Anchorage and Pruth Bay. Protected with scenic surroundings
is Goldstream Harbour on Hecate Island, a good place
for home base when exploring Hakai
Pass or Koeye River. Make your way up Fitz Hugh
Sound and the many well-protected anchorage sites.
Take refuge at Inner Warrior Cove. Stop at Namu
Harbour an aboriginal village that was once a bustling
cannery or call in at Rock Inlet. Now you are in
Fisher Channel that leads into the Dean Channel,
Ocean Falls and many other scenic and exciting spots.

of MacKenzie Rock & Cairn
couple of interesting side trips are into Burke
Channel and Dean Channel. Burke Channel and the
North Bentinck Arm will take you into the town
of Bella
Coola. Farther north is the Dean
Channel. If history is your weak point, sail
up the Dean Channel to Sir Alexander Mackenzie
Park. A rock and cairn mark the spot where Mackenzie's
cross-country journey to the Pacific Coast
ended on July 21, 1773. He was the first European
to make it across land to the Pacific Ocean.
This section of the west coast is very remote
and only the seasoned sailor or charters
see and enjoy all it has to offer. Here you will
find fishing, crabbing, kayaking
and cruising that is amazing. There are deep water
fjords, snow peaked mountains and waterfalls that
are unsurpassed. The wildlife in this region is
abundant. As you make your way up Fisher Channel,
Codville Lagoon has excellent anchorage. At the
head of Fisher Channel is Cousins Inlet and Ocean
Falls. This was once a thriving pulp and paper
town, but no more. Although off the beaten main
route, visiting crafts will find good moorage

Foggy morning in Bella Bella
From Fisher
Channel, cruise into Lama Passage and Bella Bella. This is a major fuel
and supply stop. Shearwater is another spot that has facilities, including
a post office, laundromat, a resort hotel with restaurant and pub. Serious
repairs, haul-out service and moorages are also available. More good
protection and anchorage are found at Strom Bay and Strom Cove as you
head into Seaforth Channel, Milbanke
Sound and open water. Should you wish to avoid the open waters of
Milbanke Sound, take Reid Channel into Mathieson Channel. Oliver Cove
and Boat Inlet have good protection and anchorage space. This cruise
goes into Finlayson Channel by way of Oscar Passage. If you wish to
visit Fjordland Recreation Area, take Mathieson Channel. The scenery
in Fjordland is awesome, but anchorage spots are scarce.
Channel to Douglas Channel:
The Inside Passage continues across Mathieson
Channel, through Perceval Narrows and into Finlayson
Channel. The next supply centre is Klemtu where
you can stock up on gasoline, diesel fuel, lubricants,
and water. Klemtu has a store, cafe and post office.
Mary Cove across the channel from Klemtu offers
some protection and anchorage for small crafts.
Make your way up Tolmie Channel, Graham Reach
and Fraser Reach, where the north coast main land
is on one side and Prince Royal Island on the
other. This is a pleasant area with many waterfalls
cascading into the deep waters. Both reaches are
straight and wide, meeting cruise ships and other
large vessels is an everyday occurrence in this
region. Butedale in Fraser Reach offers protection
and anchorage. This once thriving cannery has
fuel and primitive dorm camping. When you reach
Angler Cove, you can take Ursula Channel, Devastation
Channel or Sue Channel into Douglas Channel. Continue
going north and by-pass Douglas Channel, by way
of McKay Reach, Wright Sound and into Grenville